May 17 – 6th Sunday of Easter

LCMS Lectionary summary for the Sixth Sunday of Easter:

The Lord Jesus Comforts Us with the Preaching of His Resurrection

The God who . . . gives to all mankind life and breath and everything” (Acts 17:24–25) wants all people to seek Him “that they might feel their way toward him and find him” (Acts 17:27). But in our sinful ignorance we humans turn instead to idols “formed by the art and imagination of man” (Acts 17:29). Therefore God appointed the Man of Righteousness, Jesus Christ, and “has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead” (Acts 17:31). Because He lives, we also live (John 14:19) in His forgiveness, and thus we love Him and keep His commandments (John 14:15). While the risen Lord prepares us for His Ascension, He will not leave us “as orphans” (John 14:18), but gives “another Helper,” the Holy Spirit, to be with us forever (John 14:16) through the preaching of “Jesus and the resurrection” (Acts 17:18). Because He “suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous” (1 Peter 3:18), we “regard Christ the Lord as holy” and are always “prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks” for the reason for our hope (1 Peter 3:15). Our Baptism “now saves” us “as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21).

Service bulletin: 2020-05-17.Sixth Sunday of Easter

Weekly announcements: 2020-5-17 announcements

If you are in need of prayer, Holy Communion, or even someone to bring a meal or get some groceries for you, please let us know.

We have lots of soup available from Plainview’s “Blessings in Soup” effort by area churches. You can pick some up during office hours or it can be delivered to you. Soup options are chicken, vegetable, and beef vegetable; frozen in quart-sized bags.

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:
Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail. Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

Thank you for your prayers and support during these troubling times. God will see us through this, and we will be better for it!